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Animation Case Study - Video Production

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

Let's face it, the pandemic as affected all businesses big and small. Some have had a bumpy ride, but for some it has been a huge learning curve. Since Meash Media is a digital business, we have seen a huge increase in the need for our services.

working in an office during covid-19

Now that things are moving online due to not being able to conduct business meetings, face to face interviews or just the old ways of selling your stuff. Businesses are starting to realise this might be the new normal. Video is in demand, live streaming is on the rise and online shops are popping up left, right and centre.

We recently started working with an amazing lady called Jill, her business is A-Star Attendance Solutions. Her product, a revolutionary, time-saving software for tracking pupils attendance in school. Her plan, foiled by COVID-19. She intended on showcasing her software at a face-to-face network fair where she could demonstrate how great her software is. Sadly it was moved online and with little video knowledge and only a week to produce something digital, she reached out to us.

We came up with a solution. A short, professional, dynamic animation. With this she could embed, send and show anyone she likes and it summarises perfectly just how useful and effective it really is.

We’re glad that our business could be a help centre for all things digital, especially in these uncertain and adaptive times. As small business owners are starting to realise the importance of change, we’re pleased to say that we have been able to help others use the pandemic to their advantage.

Business owners in the North often feel overlooked when times get tough. They might feel that certain avenues for self-promotion like marketing, video and animation are completely out of budget. But you’d be surprised at the kind of support and funding that is available completely free of charge. We as a business have benefited greatly from support and funding from our local network, so we know exactly where to find it.

If your business is struggling and need some support, give us a call and we can try our best to give you any advice we think might help, free of charge of course.

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